Lately I’ve noticed that many people have a hard time recognizing the difference between phasers and flangers, and this is understandable. They both work the same in principle, and have a similar sound. I will explain the differences between them, give you examples of each, and show you visually what is going on. Before we begin, let’s go over what each sounds like.
First Guitar Pedal to Buy
Trying to decide what your first guitar pedal to buy can be overwhelming. It definitely was for me. My first pedal was a knock off chorus pedal which I immediately regretted buying. It’s crucial to know what you’re looking for before you take the plunge.
How to Choose the Correct Effects Pedal Order
The Donner DB-1 Aluminum Pedalboard
Determining the correct order of your effects pedals can be tricky business. One misplaced pedal can be disastrous to your tone. While it is necessary to experiment, we have tips and tricks to get you started off strong.
TC Electronic Ditto Looper Review
Finally, a looper that does exactly, and only, what it needs to do! The TC Electronic Ditto Looper (more…)
Dan Auerbach Gear and Tone
Dan Auerbach has been lead guitarist and vocalist for the Black Keys since 2001, as well as being a member of the Barnburners. He has a distinctive, dirty tone which has remained somewhat constant over the years, despite using numerous pedals and guitars. Because of his ever changing arrangement of gear, it has become more and more difficult to nail his tone, but this just proves his ability to reinvent himself.
4 Best Budget Overdrive and Distortion Pedals
One of the things we try to preach here is the idea that you don’t need to pay a lot for great tone. Many players who aren’t satisfied with their tone blame it on “cheap” equipment, instead of putting the time and effort into improving their sound with what they have. That being said, we’ve compiled a list with, in our opinion, four of the best budget overdrive and distortion pedals.